“The Life of Christ Series” Capital City Tour

The Life of Christ Series, viewed in sequence, provides a chronicle commemorating the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ, and presents a compelling human vision of the spiritual force that reshaped the religious and political world over 2000 years ago.

Along with the exhibit, the commemorative book of all 25 paintings, The Life of Christ Series: Experience the Story, will be available as a long-lasting memory. You have the opportunity to apply to be the one church in your capital city to host this exhibit.

This is a great new way to involve church members in telling the historical story of Jesus’ life visually to benefit your church members, your community, and individuals throughout your state.

You Have the Opportunity to Apply Now!

What is Involved for My Church to Host “The Life of Christ Series” exhibit?


→ Space necessary- large room that can be locked for 25 paintings, each 5′ wide

→ Sound system to play recordings of Biblical references & artistic reflections

→ Time- minimum exhibit 3 weeks + load-in and out

→ Power for the special lighting provided by CMTA

→ Tables for informative displays

→ Chairs for those that would like to rest during their tour of the exhibit

→ Welcome table with chairs


→ Docents- at least two whenever the exhibit is open

→ Volunteers to load the large paintings in and out

→ Volunteers to help position the paintings for the exhibit

→ A willingness of church members to invite others to “Come & See”

You are cordially invited to submit the following information to discuss the possibility of your church hosting “The Life of Christ Series” exhibit!

Please call Christian Message Through Art (CMTA) if you have any questions 336.273.7012